We are making a permanent space for the children’s museum!


Get excited for something new!


Seward Children’s Museum

Pop-up Exhibits

  • Exploring Seward history from 1900-1923. Go shopping at the Brown & Hawkins trading post. Pick up a cart at the train depot and go coal mining in a tunnel. Dig for gold and trade it in for some native beads. Learn about native kayaking in Resurrection Bay. Take some time to go camping and read some books about mining and gold panning in early Alaska.

  • Exploring our coastal trail in Seward. Learning how to make granola with locally picked blueberries. Reading Poetry on the coastal trail.

  • Discovering how kelp, otters and sea urchins work together to keep our bay clean and healthy.

  • Exploring a local trade. Design and build a small building for a favorite stuffy or toy. Play with tools and learn about them.

  • Fall of 2022 we were able to partner with the NSF, IODP, SCLM and SPC to bring this exhibit to Seward. In Search of Earth’s Secrets focuses on the research done by Research Vessel Joides Resolution.

  • Coming summer 2024! We are workin on building the newest pop-up. The exhibit will include pretend chickens, bees, a garden and a Farmer’s Market stand.

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Current Events

Coming Soon! 2024

Discover the wonders of the natural world in our Lil' Farmer's Market Exhibit at the Seward Children's Pop- up Museum—a delightful adventure that brings the farm to life for young explorers. Wander through a pretend garden where little hands can plant seeds, nurture growing plants, and learn about the magic of sustainable agriculture. Encounter the gentle buzz of pretend bees as they pollinate flowers, fostering an appreciation for the vital role they play in our ecosystem.

In our charming chicken coop, children can interact with pretend friendly feathered friends, gaining insights into the care of animals and the joy of responsible farming. Through hands-on experiences, budding farmers can collect eggs, observe the life cycle of bees, and cultivate a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of nature.

The Farmer's Market Exhibit is a vibrant tapestry of learning and fun, where children cultivate not only vegetables but also a lifelong love for the environment, agriculture, and the essential role of bees and chickens in our world.

Past Events

In Search of Earth’s Secrets

Seward had been chosen as a location for this traveling Science exhibit in 2022. The exhibit is sponsored by The National Science Foundation. The National Science Foundation has been studying the planet by ocean core drilling since 1961. This exhibit highlights six areas of science related to this research.

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Hygge in Nature

October 2021

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Thank you for your support.

The month of August 2021 was our first Pop-Up Museum.

This exhibit was focused on the beginning of Seward as we know it today from 1903-1923. You could go shopping at a kid size Brown & Hawkins, pick up a train car at the First Train Depot (modern day Zudy’s), mine for coal in a tunnel, pan for gold, trade your gold for a bead set, and read books by a pretend fire.

Thank you for your support. Stay tuned for our next exhibit.